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Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorЧайкіна, Н.О.-
dc.contributor.authorЧайкіна, А.О.-
dc.descriptionЧайкіна Н. О. Адаптивні стратегії підприємців в умовах економічних ризиків і загроз / Н.О. Чайкіна, А.О. Чайкіна // Person, Family, and Society: Interdisciplinary Approach to the Harmonization of Interests: Мonograph. – Opole, 2016. – P. 296 – 303.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractDispositional-reflexive approach which allows distinguishing alternative strategies of professionalization such as a model of adaptive behavior of entrepreneur and model of his professional development was suggested. Adaptive business strategy to counteract risks and threats was determined by the level of compliance subjective (oppress or liberate internal resources) and objective (assign or convert market environment) elements of adaptation in relation to the degree of match its expectations with the real business situation. It includes strategies of cognitive support, emotional changes, behavioral and reflective fighting strategy. The condition for successful doing business and countering risks and threats is readiness to entrepreneurship as ability and skills of entrepreneurs to effective action in the economic area that support and enhance entrepreneurial potential by creating its competitive advantages.uk_UA
dc.publisherThe Academy of Management and Administration in Opoleuk_UA
dc.subjecteconomic risks and threatsuk_UA
dc.subjectkinds of adaptive strategies of entrepreneursuk_UA
dc.subjectcomponents preparedness for entrepreneurial activityuk_UA
dc.subjectекономічні ризики і загрозиuk_UA
dc.titleАдаптивні стратегії підприємців в умовах економічних ризиків і загрозuk_UA
dc.typeКнижки чи розділи книгuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра менеджменту і логістики

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